Services Provided by Telephone and Video

  • Black and Indigenous Peoples

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    Black, Indigenous and People of Colour

    Black people experience a high level of anxiety, depression, fear, helplessness, mistrust and stress, and Indigenous people experience a high rate substance abuse, domestic violence and suicide in their communities.

    In addition, socio-economic problems that include inadequate housing, lower education level, low-paying jobs, poverty, unemployment also impact mental health. These factors and challenges are related to a history of colonization, discrimination oppression and racism.

    Our belief systems, values and worldview impact how we see other people, the world and ourselves. It also affects our coping mechanisms, manifestation of symptoms and perception of accessing services.

    It is imperative that mental health professionals have an awareness of race and are culturally competent so that they can incorporate the best psychotherapy care to their clients. Black and Indigenous Peoples need to have access to appropriate and culturally relevant mental health services.